Individual “Superbills”

  • A superbill is an invoice patients can give to their insurance company to ask for reimbursement for medical care they have paid for privately.

    We provide all patents with these documents as a courtesy.

  • In many cases yes. This is dependent on your particular insurance cover. You should always check with your carrier first before scheduling a private appointment, if you plan to use these benefits. Call the number on the back of your insurance card to ask if you have "out-of-network" cover.

  • Call the number on the back of your insurance card to ask where you should mail your claims to. 

    Alternatively, we recommend using Reimbursify, who can help with this process. 

    Click here to see the Reimbursify website for more details.

    (Dr. Kennedy is not responsible for the content of external websites)

  • Please call us on (929) 505-0504 or fill out the brief form on our "Contact Us" page. We can arrange a brief telephone consultation to answer any questions you may have before scheduling your first appointment.

As a specialist who has worked at the highest level, Dr. Kennedy has extensive clinical experience. Sometimes patients may be seeking a second opinion or have questions about a diagnosis they have received in the past. Sometimes patients may seek treatment on the recommendations of their friends or family. Many patients seek an evaluation for a diagnosis they may have had for a long time without realizing, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). By taking the time to perform an in-depth, detailed evaluation, we can make the most accurate diagnosis which, ultimately gives treatment the best chance of success.

We also provide employment and return-to-work evaluations and can provide your employer with recommendations for accommodations, if this is recommended.

Once we have completed the evaluation, we can discuss diagnoses and options for treatment. Patients commonly begin treatment right away, often the same day.

Click here to arrange a brief courtesy call or to schedule an appointment.